Automate your business with Video Intelligence

Greater Flexibility

Allows you to select and deploy the best Video Analytics model using your existing video infrastructure.

Faster Time to Market

Fast track your video analytics development using ready made video analytics models.

Rapid Onboarding

Deploy video analytics models
and smart applications



Our smart security solutions use industry-leading AI-based video analytics technology to enable situation awareness & provide actionable intelligence.



Our smart construction solutions use industry-leading AI-based video analytics technology to provide real-time monitoring features.



Our smart manufacturing solutions use industry-leading AI-based video analytics technology to enable users to digitalise & automate workflow processes.



Our smart healthcare solutions use AI-based video analytics technology to enable the collection & use of medical data, and optimise nursing processes and monitoring of traffic on premises.



Our smart retail solutions use industry-leading AI-based video analytics technology to allow retailers to track customer traffic, experience and behaviour.


Popular algorithms from our Video
Analytics Marketplace

KAI Co-Create

Train your own model in a few simple steps

KAI Co-Create is a Unified Development Platform that helps to train Object Detection & Image Recognition models quickly and accurately.

Object Detection



Object detection is an important computer vision technique to identify and locate instances of visual objects in digital images.

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Helmet Detection

Automatic detection of Helmet usage where applicable to improve workplace safety and prevent incidents.

Blood Cell Detection

Automatically detect blood cells to classify the various blood cell types to assist in efficient diagnosis.

Image Recognition



Image Recognition is a computer vision technique of identifying objects of interest within an image and recognising.

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Flowers Recognition

Automatically recognise various types of flowers and helps in plant identification and classification.

Garbage Classification

Automatic identification of garbage types for efficient sorting and recycling purposes.

Multi-Analysis Model



In case of Multi-Analysis Model, both Object Detection and Image Recognition techniques help to identify, classify & train objects and images of interest.

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The Multi-Analysis Model helps detect vehicles and recognises vehicle attributes such as colour, size, make etc.


It helps enhance Security in crowd sensitive, areas such as airports, by identifying high risk attributes and images.

KAI Unified Platform

An intelligent sensing platform to automate your business

An open Video Analytics platform For enterprises to drive better business decisions in a Quick and Cost-Effective way.

Cloud Deployment

Cloud deployment has the characteristics of low cost, high performance and high flexibility.

Coming Soon

Near-Edge Deployment

Near-edge deployment reduces latency, optimises bandwidth resource usage, and reduces costs.
Coming Soon

Far-Edge Deployment

Far-edge deployment is suitable for scenarios with large video traffic and high real-time requirements.